Scripture: The thief comes only in order to steal and kill
and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance
(to the full, till it overflows). John 10:10 (AMP)
for Meditation: What A Marvelous Thing – Bishop Walter Hawkins (
This past week we celebrated Holy week, where we took the time
to reflect on the death, burial and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ,
because of Christ resurrection two thousand years ago we can live victoriously
You see ladies because Christ is risen we do not have to die in
our situation, in our pain, suffering and shame but we can live in the land of
the living victoriously so let us focus on living victoriously through the
redemptive blood of Christ Jesus.
Recently, I saw a quote that says “No alarm clock needed, my
passion wakes me.” Ladies God placed a purpose in each of us and to each of us
He gave gifts; it is this purpose and gift that God gave to us that is going
cause us to rise above every situation and circumstances in this life that may
want to kill us.
So if you are in a situation that you think will kill you, maybe
you are depressed, discouraged or sad. My encouragement to you is to use your
God given purpose to cause you to rise. The devil will always send
discouragement, pessimists, fear; guilt etc. to keep you from trying but
remember that his purpose is to kill and destroy you. He allows his purpose to
motivate him, so use yours to show him that you can be victorious.
Unlike the devil Christ came so that we “may have and enjoy
life, and have it in abundance”. He also paid the price of death so that we
might live victoriously then He gave us an example by rising from the dead so
that we might know how to live. Ladies like Christ I implore you to live again.
Let’s Pray,
Father we thank you for paying such a high price for our lives.
We ask that you help us to live our lives in abundance by fulfilling our God
given purpose.
In Jesus Name
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