Scripture: A joyful heart is good medicine (Prov 17:22a,
for Meditation: A Joy Heart (
You might have heard the saying that “laughter is good
medicine.” While a medical doctor might
not prescribed laughing your ills and pains away the Bible concurs with this
saying. Proverbs 17:22 tells us that “a joyful heart is good medicine.” Also
according to the Cancer Treatment Centers of America’s website “a growing body
of research supports the theory that laughter may have therapeutic value.” It
further states that “For years, the use of humour has been used in medicine.” More
and more the medical field is accepting laughter as a form of therapy that can
help improve the quality of life of patients with critical illnesses.
So ladies today “laugh out loud.” It may be hard because
you might be faced with a many problems of troubles however laughing will
distract you and will help to soothe your issues. Today my encouragement to you
is to read a funny story, book or comic or watch a comedy. As E.E. Cummings
once said that “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.”
The Cancer Centers of America website also outlines the,
physical benefits gained from laughing as follows:
- Boosting
the immune system and circulatory
- Enhancing
oxygen intake
- Stimulating
the heart and lungs
- Relaxing
muscles throughout the body
- Triggering
the release of endorphins (the
body’s natural painkillers)
- Easing
digestion/soothes stomach aches
- Relieving
- Balancing
blood pressure
- Improving
mental functions (i.e., alertness, memory, creativity)
Laughter may also help to:
- Improve
overall attitude
- Reduce
- Promote
- Improve
- Enhance
quality of life
- Strengthen
social bonds and relationships
- Produce
a general sense of well-being
Ladies God wants us to be happy, He does not want us to
worry and be stressed all the time. Psalms 30:11 says “You
turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and
clothed me with joy.” So ladies laugh out
loud today.
Have God-Filled Day Ladies
Let us pray
Lord Thank you for the gift of laughter. Today I pray
that you will cause all of us to be glad and teach us to just laugh out loud so
that we may enjoy all the benefits that come with it.
In Jesus Name
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