Sunday, 1 September 2013

Remind Me

Main Scripture:  Luke 24:13 -34

Song of Meditation: Remind Me Dear Lord (

Today’s Bible reading tells us of how Jesus appeared to two believers travelling on the road after His resurrection. These two men were very sad because Jesus was crucified and now His body was missing. These men did not remember the prophecies that were told that Jesus would die and then rise on the third day. They were so focused on their disappointments that they missed it all together. They were even walking away from the fellowship of believers in Jerusalem. They were so distraught that they did not even recognize Jesus.

These men were also disappointed because they thought Jesus was not the Messiah since He was crucified. They were too focused on this disappointment to realize that his death was significant in Him saving us from sin.

Ladies we are just like these followers of Jesus. Many times we are so focused on our disappointments and problems, we tend to forget the promises that God made to us. How many times have we cursed the same spouse that we fell in love with and thanked God for because it was a match made in Heaven and we know that God joined us with them for a reason? How many times have we told our children that we are sorry that they were born despite the fact that we know they are a blessing given to us by God? How many times do we curse the job that God provided for us so that we can have food on our tables? As humans, we tend to focus on our current problems and forget the original plan. This kind of thinking or action delays the plans of God or results in us missing the blessing that God has in store for us.

Therefore ladies before you focus on all the bad that is happening in your life pray and ask God to roll back the curtains of memories. Ask him to remind you of the original vision. Ask Him to remind you why He joined you with this man, why were you placed in this job? Ask Him to remind Him of the plan for your life.

Write down the vision and keep reminding yourself of it. Keep your eyes on the prize, do not be distracted by the negative events or the challenges that have come to sway you and remember that you can do all things through Christ that gives you strength.

 Have A God Filled Day Ladies

Let’s Pray,

Father God thank you for your loving kindness and grace. Lord today we pray that you will remind us of your promises for our lives. Help us not to be ungrateful but to always remember that you love us and that you have a divine plan for our lives.

In Jesus Name


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