Wednesday 24 July 2013

How Do I Look? Part 2

Main Scripture:  I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26 (NIV)

Song to meditate on: Create in me a clean heart (

When asking How Do I Look there are some very important aspects of ourselves that we want to look at. Ladies in order to fulfill our God given potential we should ask:
·         How Does My Heart Look? – Is your heart stony or is it a heart of flesh?  Ezekiel 36:26 says “I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”  

Heart in the Bible refers to our mind, the seat of our emotions. According to the Baker’s Evangelical Dictionary of Biblical Theology, the heart is “the center of all emotional, intellectual and moral activity.”  C.H. Spurgeon in his sermon “The Stony Heart Removed”, a heart of stone is one that is cold, hard, dead, not easily softened, utterly senseless, exposed to the danger of final impenitence and is Satan’s throne. It therefore means that a person with a hard heart lacks compassion, does not take instruction very well, is unforgiving, is ungrateful, stubborn, disobedient, jealous and evil to name a few characteristics.

Ladies can these things be said of any of us today? Sometimes we do not realize that our hearts have become hard because it is second nature to us. Sometimes we become so unforgiving in our relationships that we forget our roles as wives. Sometimes we allow success to get to our heads we become aloof and treat our subordinates with disdain and contempt, not respecting them or giving them credit for the work that they have done.

Our hearts should be hearts that are pliable, readily taking instructions from God. Our hearts should be hearts of flesh. C.S. Spurgeon goes on further to say that a heart of flesh is tender to God’s will and tender to conscience. Do not allow your hearts to become stony; ask persons around you about what is emanating from you.

There are some companies that do an evaluation to determine the employees’ performance on the job. Conduct a performance evaluation of your heart, ask trusted persons around you, who you know will be honest with you. Ask God to take away your stony heart and replace it with one of flesh.

Have A God Filled Day Ladies

Let’s Pray,

Father, create in us a clean heart and renew a right spirit within us. Take away our stony hearts and replace them with hearts of flesh. Give us hearts that are pure and righteous that is forgiving, compassionate and that seeks after your will. We thank you Lord

In Jesus Name


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