Monday, 8 July 2013

The Poorest of the Poor

Main Scripture: The Lord sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts.He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. 1 Sam 2:7-8 (NIV)

Song To Meditate On: Perfect Peace by Laura Story (

Today members of the Missionaries of the Poor organization in Jamaica visited our church. One of the missionary was telling us about the work of the organization and said that they ministered to “the poorest of the poor” According to Mathilde Snel in an article The Environment Times – Poverty Times#1Poor people do not have enough food, clothing, education or healthcare; they live in areas that are prone to disease, crime and natural disasters. Their basic civil and human rights are often nonexistent. “These are some of the people that the missionaries minister to.

Looking at this definition, I reflected on my younger years and it dawned on me that my family would have been considered as the “poorest of the poor”. My parents didn’t have enough, food, clothing, education or healthcare to take care of me and my nine siblings. We lived in a two bed room house, wore each other clothes, didn’t go the doctor or dentist often, sometimes went to bed without food and went to school without lunch money. Also we lived in a community that would be classified as a Ghetto and lived in Jamaica that is prone to Natural disasters.

Despite these conditions however, I never taught of us as the “poorest of the poor.” Ladies as far as I am concerned we were rich. We were a happy bunch; we were and still are a close knitted family that knew God as our sustainer and keeper. We were taught by our parents to be content with whatever we had. Everywhere we went we had broad smile on our faces, we shared everything we had and even shared the little we had with others.

Ladies, today be content with whatever situation you are in, ask God for His peace.  I know that it is hard at times, most times the two ends cannot meet, however being rich is not about having money, it about being content, going to bed at peace, and having a relationship with God who is our Source.

Have A God Filled Day Ladies

Let’s Pray,

Mighty God, our Sustainer, our Provider, I pray that today you will give us your perfect peace. Though the times are hard and the situation is terrible, God I pray that you will release a spirit of contentment upon each person reading this devotional today. Bless us I pray.

In Jesus Name


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