Tuesday, 28 May 2013

A Spirit of Humility

Today’s Scripture: Before a downfall the heart is haughty,
but humility comes before honor. Prov 18:12 (NIV)

 I can remember growing up my mother use to pound the scripture above in my head. She used to tell us that “Pride goeth before a fall." A story is told of two roosters that fought for supremacy in a farmyard. Finally one was vanquished and he went and hid himself in a corner of the hen-house. The victor flew up to the roof of the barn and begin to crow, “I’ve won, I’ve won!” An eagle swooped down and carried him away and the rooster that had been defeated suddenly found himself unchallenged master of the farmyard. The moral of this story is the enemy is often defeated by his own pride. (www.Aesopfables.com)

Ladies how many of us are missing out on our blessings because we are full of pride? How many of our marriages are in jeopardy because of pride? How many of our businesses are failing because of pride? How many of our children are being influenced by the wrong crowd because we are full of pride?

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 6:16-17, that there are six things that God hates, top of this list is an attitude of pride. So often we miss out on the blessings that God has for us because we are too proud: too proud to apologize, too proud to admit when we are wrong and too proud to ask. Many marriages have failed because of pride, many successful businesses go under because of pride, many wars have started because of pride and many men have died because of pride.

Ladies pray and ask God to give you a spirit of humility instead of harbouring a spirit of pride. According to the Bible humility:

  • Comes before honour (Prov 18:12)
  • Leads to riches, honour and long life (Prov 22:4)
  • Causes God to forgive sins and heal the land (2 Chron 7:14)
  • Leads  to wisdom (Prov 11:12)
Let’s Pray,

Father forgive us for harbouring pride in our hearts, today we open up our hearts so that you can cleanse us and replace pride with a spirit of humility.

In Jesus Name


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