Main Scripture: “But Lord,” Gideon replied, “how can
I rescue Israel? My clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh, and I
am the least in my entire family!” The Lord said to him, “I will be with you.
And you will destroy the Midianites as if you were fighting against one man.”
Judges 6:15, 16 (NLT)
Song to
meditate on: The Impossible Dream – Luther Vandross
Do you have any big dreams or have been given a
new challenge however you doubt you can do it because you have been told that
you are good for nothing and you will never achieve anything? Or you are one of
those children that the teacher never picked on even though you always held up
your hand in class therefore you tell yourself that you’re insignificant? Have
you ever been called the black sheep of the family? Have you ever been rejected
because of where you come from? Maybe you have a disability or you think you do
not speak well.
Well, Gideon in today’s scripture must have felt
like you. Although God gave Gideon the task of rescuing Israel, He did not
believe he was capable of doing it because of his limitations. Like many of us,
Gideon used his limitations and weaknesses as excuses why he was not able to
take on the challenge that God gave to Him. This he did even though God told
him that he would be with Him.
How many times have we been given all we need to
overcome a challenge but we use our weaknesses and limitations as excuses. We
often make excuses like “I am too shy” or “it is too expensive” or “I am too
busy, I will do it next year” or “they would never listen to me” or “I have no
contacts”. The list goes on because we often focus on our limitations instead
of focusing on our potentials.
Ladies today, I declare that our shortsightedness
will be removed from us and that we will believe in God’s plan for our lives,
we will believe in ourselves and stop using our weaknesses and limitations as
excuses. Common and simple people achieve great things.
In the Bible we see where Moses – a Shepherd in
exile and a murderer led Israel out of bondage to the Promised Land, David – a
shepherd boy and last in his family became Israel’s greatest king, Esther – a
slave girl saved her people from massacre.
Today we see where Usain Bolt – a little Jamaican
boy from Trelawney is the fastest man in the world and six times Olympic
Champion. Albert Einstein- could not speak and was severely dyslexic and
autistic became the greatest scientist of the twentieth century and the
greatest physicist of all time. Tanni Grey – physically challenged woman who
used a wheel chair all her life is a 16 time Para Olympic medalist who holds
the record for making 30 world records at the Para Olympics.
These people did not have greatness thrust on them;
they achieved greatness because they chose not to focus on their limitations but
to focus on their goals and ambitions instead. They had a dream, they had a
challenge and through hard work and determination they became great. Great
people do not allow their limitations to restrict them. Imran Khan - said "it’s
important to know your limitations however it’s also important never to be
restricted by your limitations.”
Therefore ladies, in order to be great stop focusing
on your limitations, instead focus on your potential. Focus on your goals and
ambitions. Focus on what God said you can be and go for it.
Have A God Filled Day Ladies
Let’s Pray,
Heavenly Father, thank you Lord for seeing greatness in us. Help
us to focus on our potentials instead of our limitations. Forgive for using our
limitations and weaknesses as excuses, remove the veil from our eyes and show
us what you see so that we can walk into the plan that you have for our lives.
In Jesus Name
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