Thursday, 25 April 2013

Divine Appointments

Main Scripture: So he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee.4 Now he had to go through Samaria. 5 So he came to a town in Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground Jacob had given to his son Joseph. 6 Jacob’s well was there, and Jesus, tired as he was from the journey, sat down by the well. It was about noon. John 4:3-6 (NIV)

Song to meditate on: I’m Available (

Today’s Bible story is about Jesus and the woman at the well. In this story Jesus was enroute from Judea to Galilee, however verse 4 of the scripture tells us that “he had to go through Samaria”.  This route was the direct route to Galilee however; the Jewish custom was to travel a much longer, hotter, uncomfortable route because there was a prejudice against the Samaritian people.

Note that Jesus came to rest at the well of Jacob around noon or the sixth hour. In Roman time this was about six o’ clock in the evening. Now, it was not customary for the women to come to the well so late in the evening however, since this woman was an outcast she preferred to come to the well when all the other women were gone. 

During this meeting, although Jesus was resting He seized the opportunity to share with this woman about his purpose on this earth, which was to call sinners to repentance by providing them with the gift of living water so she would never thirst again. It is quite evident by her actions that Jesus did not treat this woman like everyone else did as, she left the well and told everyone she could find about the impact He had on her life.

Judging,based on the circumstances of the meeting, this meeting was no coincidence. Jesus had to go through Samaria to meet with this woman.
In the same way, there are situations that we think are some times mere coincidences but they were set up by God. How we deal with these situations is very important. Jesus could have said that He was tired and ignored this woman however; He sensed the woman’s needs and decided to seize the opportunity to talk to her, leaving her with a sense of peace and a purpose to her life.

Is there any such person or situation in your life? It may seem like a nagging situation or this person might seem like a bother. This situation might be inconvenient and you often ask God why me? I believe that God divinely place situations and persons in our lives so that we can have an impact. You may have an overbearing boss or a nagging neighbor that constantly oppresses or annoys you. Today, ask God what is your purpose in all of this and ask Him to give you the patience and grace to deal with the situation. You may find that you were placed in the situation by God to make an extraordinary impact.

Let’s Pray,

Father God, thank you for the blessings that you have given to us. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to touch others lives. Father we pray today that you will help us to discern these situations that we might deal with them appropriately. Also, give us the grace and patience to deal with them Lord, so that others might come to know you through us.

In Jesus Name 


Have A God Filled Day Ladies

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