Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Becoming Effective

Main Scripture: Read Elisha’s Story in 1 Kings 19-16 – 2 Kings 13:20

According to the Oxford Dictionary to be effective means “to be successful in producing a desired or intended result.” It is also defined in the Free Online Dictionary as “producing a strong impression or response; striking.”

As individuals, leaders, wives, entrepreneurs it is extremely important that we strive to become effective in all we do. Becoming effective however will require changes. My Pastor puts it this way, “a new mindset, a new skill set and a new toolset.”

One of the most effective persons in the Bible was Elisha. He was Elijah’s replacement as God’s prophet to Israel. Before Elisha was a prophet he was a farmer, his ministry concentrated on the needs of people around him. He demonstrated God’s caring nature to all who came to him for help. Let’s take a look at the characteristics of this highly effective individual

1.   Willing - Elisha was open to the call of God from the moment Elijah approach him in the field. He quickly did what he had to do to follow the prophet. In order to be effective we have to be willing to go some places that we have never gone before. Often time we are walking around with unused potential because we are unwilling to face new challenges.

2.   Perceptive – To be perceptive means to be aware, discerning and keen. Elijah did not have to tell Elisha why he came for him. He quickly picked up on the purpose of Elijah’s visit and followed him. Opportunities often pass us by because we are not aware, we do not pick up easily. Work on becoming sharp and keen so that you can see opportunities when they come your way. Pray and ask God for discernment.

3.   Proactive – When Elijah was being taken up he asked Elisha what he can do for him, Elisha quickly asked him for a double portion of his anointing. Elijah then gave him specific instructions to ensure He saw him when he was being taken up. Elisha did not miss a beat he ensured that he did exactly what he was told without delay. To be effective it is important to be proactive instead of reactive. Stop taking things personal and taking forever to think over things and ensuring it is logical before we do it.

4.   Teachable Spirit - Elisha allowed Elijah to teach him all that he knew about his craft. He followed Elijah everywhere, watched his every move and did it with a humble spirit. Pray and ask God for mentors, also ask God to give you a teachable spirit as there are others who have been where you want to be however, you have to be ready for teaching before the master can appear.

5.   Built on Elijah’s Achievements – Elisha did not only learn from Elijah but he built on what Elijah already achieved. Elijah’s worked concentrated on building an atmosphere for persons to worship God freely and publicly. Elisha built on that by demonstrating God’s powerful and caring nature to those who came to him for help. In the same way to become effective we have to build on what we are taught by our mentors, this can be done by learning more and seeking to have a greater impact than those who came before us.

Have A God Filled Day Ladies

Let’s Pray,

Father, thank you for all that you have done in our lives. Help us to be more effective as of today. Impart into us father; help us to develop characteristics like Elisha so that we will be more effective today in all we do.
In Jesus Name


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