Friday 7 June 2013

Break Up Your Fallow Ground

Main Scripture: …break up your fallow ground… Hosea 10:12 (ESV)

Song to Meditate On – Tamela Mann – Take Me To The King (

Dou you feel stagnant? Do you feel as if you’re not growing? Not making any progress? At a crossroad and you don’t know what to do next?
Sometimes we feel this way because we need to break up our fallow grounds. What is a fallow ground? A fallow land according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is cultivated land that is allowed to lie idle during the growing season. The Random House Webster College Dictionary defines fallow as land that has undergone plowing and harrowing but has been left unseeded for one or more growing seasons. It is land that has been worked but has no intention of bearing a harvest or has grown thorns.

As such when the people of Israel were told to break up their fallow ground, they were being encouraged to prepare their hearts to receive blessings from God. Sometimes our hearts can be so hardened, full of our own stubborn ways or full of hatred, deceit, malice etc., that we are not able to receive the blessings God has for us.

In the same way sometimes when we feel stagnant, it is because we have not prepared our minds for growth. This can be applied to our marriages, our jobs or any other place in our lives where we feel as if we are not growing. Sometimes all the signs and help is there for us to grow but we are too hard headed or too stubborn to accept the advice being given to us. Sometimes we need to leave a relationship, we are being abused, emotionally and physically but we refuse to leave because we are not at the place to accept that this relationship is not going anywhere and the man is eventually going to kill us.

Ladies, let us really examine ourselves and see if it’s because our heart (minds) are hard why we are not growing. Is it that we have made up our minds that we cannot do it? Is it because we are holding on to things that we should not hold on to? What is causing your ground to be fallow today?
Are you sick but you have told yourself that you don’t want to hear what the doctors have to say, that you cannot deal with it, so you don’t get yourself checked out and healed? Are you in a dead end job but you are telling yourself that its secure and safe, better this than nothing at all? Is your marriage struggling but you tell yourself that you will not go and see a counselor because you can deal with it yourself? Is your spiritual life stagnant, you are not growing spiritually because you are harbouring malice and hatred in your heart?

Ladies let’s not allow the blessings that God has for us pass us by because of our fears or our own stubbornness. Ask God to prepare your minds today; do not give up on life because it is too hard. The opportunities are out there but we have to be ready to take advantage of them, we have to maintain a positive attitude, an attitude of faith. Take control of your thoughts, you fears and your emotions. Grab a hold of the shovel and plows and start preparing your fallow ground today for the harvest to come.

Have A God Filled Day Ladies

Let’s Pray,

Heavenly Father, prepare our hearts and minds for your blessings today. We take control of our thoughts, our fears and our emotions so that we can grow in every area of our lives. Search us Lord and reveal to us the things that need to be removed so that we can grow.

In Jesus Name


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