Thursday, 6 June 2013


Main Scripture: Intelligent people are always ready to learn. Their ears are open for knowledge. Prov 18:15 (NLT)

Do you remember this little poem:
Labor For Learning

"Labor for learning before you grow old;
For learning is better than silver or gold.
Silver and gold will vanish away,
But a good education will never decay."

This poem was one of those gems that we learnt when we were just tiny tots. It was meant to teach us the value of a good education. You might say that there are people who did not get a good education but are still very successful today. That might be true but I assure you they are always looking for new ways to gain knowledge especially in their field of expertise.

That is what I want to encourage you today to do ladies. Always strive to gain knowledge. You are never too old to learn or you can never learn too much. It is said that successful people continually look for ways to expand their knowledge and understanding. They invest a lot of time and money in self-learning, they buy and read books and regularly attend seminars by chosen experts in their field.

The scripture today tells us that intelligent people are always ready and eager to for knowledge. Sometimes we are fooled into thinking that we know enough but if we are wise we would know that we can learn from the very ant. If we are wise we would know that continuous self-learning is the key to success and taking advantage of opportunities around us. If you are not continually learning in today’s world, you are continually moving backward.

I heard someone say that “knowledge is deliverance”, sometimes the very challenge we have in life can be solved by gaining some knowledge about it. Sometimes instead of worrying all we have to do is “Google it”, read a book relating to the challenge or ask someone who have more knowledge about the particular issue. This can go a far way in helping us to solve our issues.

Ladies I implore you, seek to gain knowledge and wisdom. Read at least one book per month, attend a training seminar at least every three months and surround yourself with people that you can learn from. Ask God to lead you to people and resources. Hosea 4:6 says “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” God wants us to be successful in all we do, but the only way we can be successful is if we are continually learning. Learning His statues and ways but also learning about the talents and gifts that He has endowed us with.

Have A God Filled Day Ladies

Let’s Pray,

Heavenly Father, we worship you today. We thank you for all the opportunities that will come to us as we gain new knowledge. Father open up our ears and our hearts so that we will desire to continually learn so that we may be successful in your kingdom.

In Jesus Name


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